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With viruses and malware becoming more prevalent, sophisticated and more harmful by the day, powerful and robust Anti-Virus protection is a must-have for any business.

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how can Edmondson's IT help?

Edmondson’s IT Services are dedicated to providing businesses across Yorkshire and the UK with protection from viruses. We understand that having a secure operating system is very important for every business. There is nothing worse than being attacked by viruses than can potentially cause a lot of harm to your business. Contact our team to see how we can help you get your systems protected.

Anti-Virus Services, Edmondson's IT
Anti Virus

importance of anti-virus for small to medium-sized businesses

Many small business owners are under the impression that their businesses are immune to cyber-attack. This is because many owners think their size or industry makes them less attractive targets to cyber criminals. Others believe their business doesn’t have any valuable data which makes them think investing in the necessary security tools aren’t necessary. However, the lack of security tools makes small businesses being targeted more than ever. Cybercriminals view small businesses as easier targets, which is why having a robust anti-virus is crucial. With an anti-virus software, you’re able to help keep your sensitive data protected, defend your business against cybersecurity threats, as well as help preventing you from facing financial losses. You’re also safeguarding your business from evolving cyber threats, providing you with a future-proof solution.

features and benefits of symantec anti-virus software


We’ve partnered with Symantec to offer one of the best anti-virus products available, Endpoint Protection. Powerful and unobtrusive, this Anti-Virus system will quietly work in the background, only alerting you to potential threats when absolutely necessary. It also pro-actively detects and eliminates viruses before they cause harm to your computer. As a result, most viruses are stopped before they can cause any harm to your systems.


Every PC, Server, Laptop, and Mac device can be protected with the Endpoint Protection Anti-Virus system so you can have the peace of mind knowing your network is protected. As well as an anti-virus, investing in anti-spam to prevent junk emails reaching your inbox is just as important. Antivirus software alsomonitors all files that enter your system. All those files are scanned to check for viruses and malware to keep you and your files safe.


The Symantec Management system can be run from your in-house server, enabling tight integration with your network. Don’t have a dedicated server? No problem, the management platform can be hosted entirely online so you don’t have to have any specialist hardware to be protected


Symantec is committed to ensuring Endpoint Protection stays up to date and ready to fight any new threats that may arise. Twice-daily updates mean that any new viruses released are quickly added to the protection database, keeping your company safe and secure.


The most common way for a virus to infiltrate your device is through malicious pop-ups and spam websites. The Symantec Firewall acts as a barrier between the computer and the internet, detecting potential hacker attacks and safeguarding personal information.


Email security is crucial due to the increasing number of viruses in phishing emails. By stopping sophisticated phishing attacks, some anti-viruses, like Symantec, provide protection for Office 365, Google G Suite, and on-premises emails.

benefits of symantec anti-virus software


of small businesses suffers a cyber-attack each year.


of customers will stop using your product if it has been affected by ransomware.


of SMBs don't have a cyber security plan in place.


of small businesses go out of business after a cyber-attack.


of cyber security breaches are caused by human error. 

frequently asked questions

Want to know more about our anti-virus solutions? Here are a couple FAQs to answer any questions you may have:

1. How does anti-virus software work?

An anti-virus software uses various techniques to detect, prevent, and remove threats such as malware from your devices. Here are the couple of methods an anti-virus identifies and prevents threats from entering your business:

  • Signature-based detection – Antivirus software keeps an extensive database of known malware signatures. Signature-based detection identifies viruses by comparing files and programmes installed on the device to a database and looking for matches.
  • Behaviour-based detection – Behaviour-based detections scans software and programmes and looks to detect any suspicious behaviour. When a software exhibits suspicious behaviour, the anti-virus takes action to mitigate the threat.
  • Heuristic-based detection – Similar to signature-based detection, heuristic-based detection, scans files and programmes that enter the device. However, rather than looking for specific malware signatures, heuristic-detection involved looking for similar patterns commonly found in malware.
2. Does an antivirus software impact the performance of my device?

While anti-virus software uses some of your device's resources, the impact is usually minimal. A good anti-virus programme will keep you safe while also being light on your device. Because scanning occurs in the background, employees can work without experiencing significant delays.

3. Is a free anti-virus as effective as paid antivirus?

While a free anti-virus software has useful features that provide basic protection, for a business, a paid anti-virus will provide maximum security and additional features that help protect your sensitive business information. You will also gain advanced threat protection as well as regular security updates that helps keep you protected from the ever-evolving cybersecurity threats. On top of the security features, you’ll also have access to expert customer support, allowing you to speak to specialised professionals about any issues or concerns you may have. Paying for an anti-virus can help prevent you from facing significant financial loss as a result of a cyber-attack.

4. What’s the difference between business anti-virus and the consumer version?

Business anti-virus software includes a centralised management system that enables administrators to deploy and manage security across multiple devices or endpoints from a single console. They also have scalability features, such as the ability to add more users and to accommodate much larger networks.

5. Can business antivirus software protect against all types of cyber threats?

While a robust anti-virus software can help protect your business against a wide range of cyber threats, it cannot provide complete protection against sophisticated attacks. To provide comprehensive protection, we recommend having additional security layers and advanced threat detection. Speak with an expert today to determine what additional security layers you may require to protect your business.

why choose us?

At Edmondson’s IT Services, we understand the importance cyber security has on your business. Having the peace of mind of knowing your business is always protected, allows you to focus on other aspects of your business. We aim to alleviate the stress of cyber security for business owners and ensure you have a clear understanding on how to protect your business. Our level of experience and expertise enables us to develop a thorough understanding of virus protection, ensuring that we can meet all of your needs. We will provide you with impartial advice so that your staff are aware of how viruses work and how to prevent them entering your devices.

Our anti-virus solutions are intended to protect and mitigate against all types of viruses. We assist you in achieving the highest level of security for your company while keeping costs to a minimum. We have collaborated with Symantec to provide you with an anti-virus that is proactive in its approach to virus detection. Using Symantec Endpoint Protection allows our team to stay one step ahead in protecting you and your business. With the features Endpoint Protection provides, we are able to keep vigilant in the latest viruses and malware.


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We offer a completely customised service to support your business.


We have a price match guarantee in place to ensure you're getting the best service without compromising on quality.


Using our internal monitoring systems, we're able to fix issues before they occur.