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Making the move from POP/IMAP to Microsoft Exchange

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For many businesses, email is the key to fast, convenient communication, whether that be between clients, suppliers or internal teams. Two of the most common email protocols are POP (Post Office Protocol) and IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), which are widely available and easy to set up. However, for businesses looking to scale up, improve collaboration or enhance their data security, Microsoft Exchange offers a range of advantages. Here’s a closer look at some of the differences and why upgrading to Microsoft Exchange could be the right move for your business.

Creating Strong Passwords and Keeping Your Accounts Safe

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In today’s digital world, passwords are arguably the most important line of defence between your sensitive information and potential cyber threats. However, many people are still using unsecure, easily guessable passwords, putting themselves at risk of hacking, data breaches, and identity theft. So how can you make sure your passwords are secure, safe and stand the test of time.

Managed Anti-Virus Compared to Unmanaged, Which is Right For You?

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When it comes to protecting your business from cyber
threats, choosing the right antivirus solution is essential. In the debate
between managed and unmanaged antivirus options, each offers unique benefits
depending on your company’s size, resources, and security needs. But what’s the
difference between them? How can they help you? And which one’s the right
choice for your business?

Saying Goodbye to Windows 10

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As Microsoft announces that Windows 10 will reach its end of life (EOL) on 14 October 2025, we look at the changes this will bring and how you can prepare your business for a shift to Windows 11.

9 Ways Technology Can Save Your Business Money and Time

For businesses across the globe, time and money are two of the most valuable resources. Thankfully, technology has made it easier than ever to maximise both. In this blog, we cover 9 ways in which technology can help you save money and time.

denial-of-service attack

What is a Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attack?

A denial-of-service (DoS) attack is a type of cyber attack which aims to make a system or service inaccessible to its intended users. This is typically done by overwhelming the target machine or network with a flood of unnecessary requests which disrupt the normal traffic.

QR Code Scams

Understanding the Dangers Behind Fake QR Code Scams

A QR Code, or Quick Response Code, is a type of two-dimensional barcode that can store information and be easily scanned using a smartphone camera. QR codes are great for quickly accessing information, but they have also become a tool for cybercriminals.