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IT Advice

The Hidden Costs of Outdated IT Systems

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Your outdated IT infrastructure could be costing your business more than you realize so let’s look at some of those hidden costs and how a few simple upgrades could be a smart investment, whilst other upgrades my be unnecessary.

The Pros and Cons of AI in Business

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Technology is evolving at an unprecedented pace, transforming the way businesses operate. IT no longer solely takes on a support function, but is also a driving force behind efficiency, security and growth. As we look to the future, businesses must stay ahead of emerging trends to remain competitive. Here’s what the future of business IT could look like and how IT services can help you stay prepared.

The Future of Technology in Business: What Lies Ahead?

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Technology is evolving at an unprecedented pace, transforming the way businesses operate. IT no longer solely takes on a support function, but is also a driving force behind efficiency, security and growth. As we look to the future, businesses must stay ahead of emerging trends to remain competitive. Here’s what the future of business IT could look like and how IT services can help you stay prepared.

How They’re Made: Laptops, The Journey from Motherboard to Marketplace

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How They’re Made: Laptops, The Journey from Motherboard to Marketplace
Laptops are an essential tool for businesses and individuals alike, but how they are made? The process involves precision engineering, cutting-edge technology and a combination of skilled labour and automation; So let’s take a look at how these essential devices are built.

The Benefits of Using Microsoft 365 for Businesses

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In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses need reliable, secure and efficient tools to stay ahead. Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) has become a staple for organisations of all sizes, providing a comprehensive suite of applications and cloud-based services that enhance productivity, collaboration and security. Whether you’re a small start-up or a large enterprise, Microsoft 365 offers a wealth of benefits that can transform the way you work.

10 Facts About IT They Didn’t Teach You in School

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The world of IT is filled with fascinating details and incredible stories. While we’re all probably familiar with some of the basics, from what we’ve picked up at work or what we can remember from our school days, there are still many aspects of IT that are truly mind-blowing and relatively unknown. From the origins of computers to the vast scale of data creation, IT is full of surprises that shape our daily lives in ways we don’t even realise. So, here are ten amazing facts they didn’t teach you in ICT class.

The Truth About Cyber Insurance and Business Security

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In today’s digital world, cyber threats are a growing concern for businesses of all sizes. From ransomware attacks to data breaches, the risks are increasing, and many companies look to cyber insurance as a safety net. However, what many business owners don’t realise is that their insurance policy might not actually cover them in the event of an attack, if the right security measures aren’t already in place.

From Fiction to Reality: Sci-Fi’s Most Accurate Predictions About Computing and IT

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Science fiction has long been a playground for wild ideas and speculative technologies but many of the concepts imagined in these stories and films have been surprisingly accurate when it comes to predicting the computing and IT innovations we rely on today. From artificial intelligence to wearable technology and virtual reality, sci-fi has proven time and again that its futuristic visions can inspire real-world progress. This blog will explore some of the most fascinating instances where sci-fi predicted modern computing and IT advancements with surprising accuracy.

Ten Ways to Boost Your Laptop’s Performance in Minutes

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It feels like the worlds getting more and more fast paced with advancements in technology helping us to do things quicker and more conveniently then ever; So when your laptop starts getting a little slow, we know it can be one of the most frustrating and irritating things. Whether it’s for work, study or entertainment, a sluggish laptop that leaves you staring at loading screens, isn’t fun or practical for anyone. Fortunately, there’s a few quick and easy techniques you can use to breathe new life into your PC without having to spend hours rebuilding it or investing in expensive upgrades. Here’s ten tips and tricks for how you can boost your laptop’s performance in just a few minutes, without needing to spend any money.

Fun Facts About The Tech Industry That You Probably Didn’t Know

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Technology is deeply woven into our day to day lives; From the moment we wake up to when we go to bed, we interact with countless tech and gadgets that make our lives easier, faster and inter-connected. But behind some of these tools and devices lie fascinating stories and quirks that might surprise you. In this article, we explore some to of our favourite facts around technology and computing you might not know.