Managed Anti-Virus Compared to Unmanaged, Which is Right For You?

When it comes to protecting your business from cyber threats, choosing the right antivirus solution is essential. In the debate between managed and unmanaged antivirus options, each offers unique benefits depending on your company’s size, resources, and security needs. But what’s the difference between them? How can they help you? And which one’s the right choice for your business?

Managed Anti-Virus Compared to Unmanaged, Which is Right For You?

When it comes to protecting your business from cyber
threats, choosing the right antivirus solution is essential. In the debate
between managed and unmanaged antivirus options, each offers unique benefits
depending on your company’s size, resources, and security needs. But what’s the
difference between them? How can they help you? And which one’s the right
choice for your business?

Managed Antivirus Protection

Managed Antivirus Protection, or Centrally Managed Antivirus, refers to cybersecurity that’s managed and overseen by an external provider, often a Managed Service Provider (MSP), as opposed to Unmanaged which is handled in house.  Another key difference is that Managed Antivirus Protection is centralised from a single source, such as a network server, which everything flows through, as opposed to each individual device having separate antivirus software installed.

One of the main benefits to Managed Antivirus Protection is that your servers are constantly being monitored around-the-clock by service providers which can quickly detect and respond to any malicious activity, often preventing issues before they can escalate. This proactive approach helps to minimize the potential damage cyber threats can inflict.

On top of this, by outsourcing Antivirus Protection, you can reduce the workload for your business internal IT teams, enabling them to focus on other strategic initiatives and support your business growth.

Managed antivirus protection also offers automated updates and maintenance, ensuring that all devices remain up-to-date with the latest virus definitions and patches. This reduces vulnerability to cyberattacks and keeps security systems robust without requiring constant oversight from your internal teams.

Outsourcing your digital security to a Managed Service Provider however can be costly with recurring monthly fees, sometimes making it unaffordable to smaller companies. On top of this, outsourcing antivirus management, taking your antivirus protection away from in house control, could limit your ability to customize settings and responses to specific threats. This reliance on an external provider can also raise concerns over response times, as businesses depend on their MSP’s operations for effective security coverage.

If your business handles highly sensitive or regulated data, outsourcing your antivirus protection may also raise concerns with data privacy and compliance. For companies with stringent data regulations, sharing control with an external provider could introduce additional complexities however for most businesses this won’t be an issue.

Unmanaged Antivirus Protection

Unmanaged antivirus protection, sometimes referred to as standalone antivirus, is software that’s installed and maintained separately on each device within a business. Unlike managed antivirus, which is centralized and monitored through a network server or managed by an IT provider, with unmanaged antivirus each device operates independently, with internal IT teams responsible for installing the software, managing updates, and handling any issues that arise.

One of the main advantages of unmanaged antivirus protection is its simplicity and cost-effectiveness for smaller businesses. Since it doesn’t require a central server or third-party management, companies can avoid the subscription costs typically associated with Managed Antivirus Protection.

The lack of external control also means businesses retain full control over their antivirus strategy and internal IT teams can customize protection based on the needs of specific devices. This flexibility is particularly useful for small to mid-sized businesses where cybersecurity needs often aren’t as complex.

On the downside, unmanaged antivirus can become challenging to manage as a business grows. When each device is handled individually, ensuring that software is updated, patched, and monitored for threats becomes more time-consuming and resource intensive. The lack of centralized monitoring also means that potential threats may go unnoticed or be harder to manage across multiple devices, making response times slower in the event of an incident.

Additionally, companies without dedicated IT support may struggle to troubleshoot issues as they arise, increasing the risk of system vulnerabilities. As your company grows, the cost of growing your internal IT team to meet increased cyber security needs could out way the cost of outsourcing to an MSP.

So Which One Should You Go For?

Ultimately, the decision whether to use managed or unmanaged antivirus protection depends on you and your business requirements and resources. Managed antivirus is ideal for a business in need of proactive security, potential for scalability or reduced burden on internal IT teams. However, if your business already has a strong, well established internal IT team or if you’d simply prefer to retain in-house control over cyber security, opting for an unmanaged solution or even a hybrid approach of the two could be the right choice for you.

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